Now acting as a blanket Nova effect for your hand, Nakia provides another axis upon which you spread out your power in Surfer, now giving what I feel Surfer has been missing (since its initial nerf) to stand up along with the best of the best of the meta: The Rule of Threes. Nakia joins the fray as the most adjusted card in all of Snap's history, but this change was worth the wait and all the adjustments she had to go through to get here.

On Reveal: Give all cards in your hand +1 Power. Yes, I’m calling the Gambit change an overall buff, especially when looking at what some fellow content creators have cooked up already.
The week of the new patch brought three new players for Surfer decks to test and figure out how they work, starting with the new release Jean Grey and then the buffs to both Nakia and Gambit. Initially, that deck was going to be Bounce, as it’s the clear front runner for best deck in the game for both Ladder and Conquest but with an OTA on the way that is very, very likely to aim its sights on Bounce, Surfer was the next choice to focus on. As always, there are plenty of decks to play with and climb effectively on Ladder or collect tickets in Conquest, but today we want to shift focus towards a particular deck to showcase this new meta. Of course, more has happened than just those three decks of note, as Patriot Lad is still putting up massive numbers and Destroy is seemingly ramping up in appearance percentage as we approach the Destroy season next month. and with it came the stumble of High Evo Lockjaw, the absolute dominance of Bounce, and the Rise of The Silver Surfer. Rise of The Silver Surfer: Something of a Scientist The new patch has been out for about a week now.